Sims 4 traits cancer mod
Sims 4 traits cancer mod

Toddlers can ask special questions during each Moon phase, say “goodnight, Moon,” and even have special “Moon dreams.” Cute!.They can also “moongaze” by using either the observatory or the new telescope…but be warned, this can be deadly due to the risk of falling meteorites (!).Sims can moonbathe-like sunbathing, but no risk of sunburn.For example, spellcasters have a better chance of spell success during the Full Moon. Occult Sims-mermaids, vampires, spellcasters, and, of course, werewolves-all have their powers affected by different phases of the Moon.The Moon will look different in the sky from night to night, and the amount of light it gives off will change too.By default, each Moon phase lasts for one night, but by changing the settings, you can adjust the length of each lunar phase or even give your Sims a permanent Full Moon. The bottom of your screen shows the current Moon phase, and so does your calendar.There are eight Moon phases in the game: New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, and Waning Crescent.

sims 4 traits cancer mod

View full post on Instagram First, a few details on how Moon phases work in The Sims 4:

Sims 4 traits cancer mod